Thai Yoga Therapy Practice
by Laura Marin

︎  Lower Stress  
︎  Relieve Tension
︎  Increase Energy



About Thai Yoga Therapy

Traditional Thai Massage, Nuad Boran, is an ancient healing system combining acupressure, Ayurveda, meditation, and assisted yoga postures. It is a deeply nurturing practice in which one person agrees to let go, relax, and receive. The other agrees to tune in, listen deeply, and offer healing.

Together, they create a meditative dance; flowing and unhurried choreography of movement, stretch, and massage that opens the flow of energy. The result is a blissful feeling of energetic relaxation and a trasformation of body, mind and spirit.

Laura Marin

Laura Marin, founder of AnimaThai, is an intuitive bodyworker dedicated to explore and share the many benefits of Thai Yoga massage therapy.

With a musical background, Laura found her new creative expression as a practicioner of Level I & II Intuitive Thai Yoga (Sarah Seely).




Thank you!

Thank you to all the amazing souls I had the privilege to work on at AnimaThai.
I will be on maternity leave until further notice and will miss seeing you all, but I’m looking forward to a new future!

with love,
— Laura